September 2017

“Spotlight on Sardinia”


Ricotta Finissima – Central Formaggi in Serrenti, Sardinia

Pasteurized, sheep and goat’s milk

About: “Finissima is freshly made with sheep’s whey coming straight from the uncontaminated island of Sardinia, where sheep graze and roam in the mountains under their natural habitats, essential to guarantee the highest quality milk.  Goat’s milk is added to the sheep’s whey, making this cheese tangier than a typical ricotta.

This Ricotta, is rich in whey protein naturally light and great for the lactose intolerant.

Irresistibly creamy, velvety smooth with a delicate taste. Its versatility transforms everyday recipes into delicious delicacies“


Cafone – Central Formaggi in Serrenti, Sardinia

Pasteurized, Sheep’s milk

About: “Cafone is a young sheep’s milk cheese aged for 15-20 days. Soft, milky and creamy this cheese in an excellent choice for sandwiches and baked pastas.

Chardonnay and Zinfandel are the perfect wine match for this cheese”

Ca’Briolu – Central Formaggi in Serrenti, Sardinia

Pasteurized, sheep and goat’s milk

About: “Cabriolu is a washed-ring sheep’s and goat’s milk cheese.  This cheese’s distinguishing trait lies, above all, in its special aging process.  It is reminiscent of Taleggio on the palate, though this cheese is made using technology “borrowed” off the French that brings out its aromas and is made from sheep’s and goat’s milk, hence much stronger in flavor than cow’s milk.  Special washing operations give the rind its classic pink color.  Cabriolu has a fine, pink, ridged and more-or-less sticky rind.  In the area near the rind, the paste is a pale yellow and has a melting texture, while it is firmer, crumblier and white in the center.  It has a delicate and tasty flavor with aromatic overtones, while after lengthy aging the flavor turns decidedly spicy”


For those of you with the added Charcuterie of the Month:


Mussels in Pickled Sauce – La Brújula Conservas Artesanas in Spain – La Brújula is one of Spain’s oldest and most respected tinned fish companies.  The quality ingredients they use and time honored traditional skills they bring to bear on them result in some of the finest tinned fish on the market.  All of their seafood is processed and packed by hand.  Enjoy these delicious mussels straight out of the tin with some crusty bread or as part of a more elaborate Spanish tapas.

Posted on May 26th, 2018 by Jon Marsh