May 2016

(Raw – cows’ milk)
Nature’s Harmony Farm – Elberton, GA
Named after the small farming community, Fortsonia is an Alpine-style cheese inspired by Comte and Gruyere.  This raw cows’ milk cheese is aged at least five months and moves from caramel notes in its younger months to nuttier flavors in its later months.
Thomasville Tomme
(Raw – cows’ milk)
Sweet Grass Dairy – Thomasville, GA
An aged, raw, cows’ milk cheese handcrafted in the style of a French Pyrenees Tomme.  Aged for atleast 60 days, the cow’s milk provides a smooth, rich and buttery flavor with a grassy, tangy finish.

(Pasteurized – sheep milk)
Many Fold Farm – Chattahoochee Hills, GA
Named for the northernmost border of Chattahoochee Hills, this Camembert-style cheese is super smooth with aromas that are textbook sheep milk: think melted butter and hazelnuts.
Southern Smash Salami
Spotted Trotter – Atlanta, GA
A Noisette French style salami that speaks to the flavors and ingredients that make the south what it is with flavors of toasted peanut, cayenne and garlic. Wonderful paired with Sherry and Madeira, as well as, a light bodied Merlot or Pinot.

Posted on May 30th, 2016 by Jon Marsh